Sulatusuunin (smelter) toiminnot
Käytetään malmin muuttamiseksi metalleiksi (ingot).
Sulattaminen vaatii polttoainetta, kuten puuta tai hiiltä.
Polttoaineen kulutus annetaan esim. 2(+1) jossa ensimmäinen 2 on lämmittämiseen ja (+1) per seuraava erä.
Lämmittämiseen kuluu 1h ja malmierän sulatukseen 1h (määrä riippuu sulattamon koosta)
Eri metallien välillä sulattamo pitää jäähdyttää (1h) ja puhdistaa (1h) epäpuhtauksista
Metalliharkoista ja malmista voi tehdä yhdistelmämetalleja (alloy).
Bishmuth Max level: 3
2(+0,5) fuel + 1 bishmuthine ore = 0,5 bishmuth ingot
Requires: Metallurgy lvl 2 & Smelting lvl 1
Special: -2 lvl and -2 points if used for weapons or armors
Found: Type 2 (granite)
Copper Max level: 2
3(+1) fuel + 2 copper ore = 1 copper ingot
Requires: Metallurgy & Smelting lvl 1
Found: Type 1 (limestone) & Type 4 (marble)
Gold Max level: 4
2(+0,5) fuel + 1 gold ore = 1 gold ingot
Requires: Metallurgy & Smelting lvl 1
Special: lvl 1 and -3 points if used for weapons or armor
Found: Type 2
Mithril Max level: 5
3(+1) fuel + 1 mithril ore = 0,6 mithril silver ingot
Requires: Metallurgy & Smelting lvl 3
Special: -1 lvl and -1 points if used in weapons
Found: Type 2 (deep)
Nickel Max level: 2
4(+2) fuel + 2 nickel ore = 1 nickel ingot
Requires: Metallurgy lvl 1 & Smelting lvl 2
Special: -1 lvl and -2 points if used in weapons or armors
Found: Type 2 (diorite)
Silver Max level: 3
3(+1) fuel + 2 silver ore = 1 silver ingot
Requires: Metallurgy & Smelting lvl 1
Special: -2 lvl and -3 points if used in bladed weapons and -1 lvl and -2 points for armors
Found: Type 2 (granite) & Type 4 (gneiss)
Zinc Max level: 2
2(+0,5) fuel + 2 zinc ore = 1 zinc ingot
Requires: Metallurgy & Smelting lvl 1
Special: -1 lvl if used in weapons or armors
Points: -2
Found: Type 4
Black Iron Max level: 5
5(+2) fuel + 2 strong iron ore + 1 obsidian = 3 Black iron ingot
Requires: Metallurgy lvl 2 & Smelting lvl 4
Special: black color (aka obsidian iron)
Points: +1
Brass Max level: 2
2(+0,5) fuel + 0,5 copper ingot + 0,5 zinc ingot = 1 Brass ingot
Requires: Metallurgy lvl 2 & Smelting lvl 1
Special: -1 lvl and -1 points if used in weapons or armors
Bronze Max level: 3
2(+1) fuel + 0,5 copper ingot + 0,5 tin ingot = 1 Bronze ingot
Requires: Metallurgy lvl 3 & Smelting lvl 2
Orihalcon Max level: 5
3(+1) fuel + 2 copper ingot + 0,5 manastone + 1 gold ingot = 2 Orihalcum ingot
Requires: Metallurgy lvl 4 % Smelting lvl 4
Special: Magic resistant alloy
Pewter Max level: 3
2(+0,5) fuel + 1 tin ingot + 0,5 copper ingot + 0,5 lead ingot = 1 Pewter ingot
Requires: Metallurgy & Smelting lvl 2
Special: lvl 1 and -2 points if used in weapons or armors
Strong iron Max level: 4
4(+2) fuel + 2 iron ingot + 1 strontium = 2 Strong iron ingot
Requires: Metallurgy lvl 3 & Smelting lvl 2
Special: half wear-counters when used in weapons